Lets take a quiz What did you pick? I thought this was pretty straight forward. I picked 4 and 8. Easy, who would argue? This was sent in a group text with a bunch of my friends. Then the results came in, 4 and 7, 4 and 7, 4 and 7. I was stunned. #7? Have a lot of money? This really surprised me. Why did it surprise me you ask? Don’t people want a lot of money? Well, yes. But, why do people want a lot of money? I would assume t they believe that money will bring them happiness. We can skip the whole middle man here and take pill #8 and just get right to happiness and never worry about money again. Each of the people who responded to this chat are in households that make over 100k. I am pretty sure one of them makes north of 250k. In big picture thinking these men should have plenty of money already! This is one of the features of the American dream that perplexes me. Money should not equal happiness. Sure, I understa...
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