About Us

Welcome!  We are a family of 4 (hopefully larger someday) that strive everyday to live an happy and intentional life.  We have 2 boys who are ages 1.5 and 3.5 years old.  I am an elementary school principal and my wife is a NNICU nurse.  We have a 10 year old Bichon Frise name Murphy.  We live in Charleston, SC.

A little about our we were are at in life.  We try to be mindful of everything we do as a family unit.  We strive everyday to get better at mental health, physical health and financial health.

For mental health we try and do things that will bring us joy and happiness as a family.  We try and spend as much time together as we can while also taking personal time to stay mentally healthy.  We dabble with meditation and try to make sure we stay ahead of our emotions.

We are big into physical health and love to go to the gym.  We consider ourselves reducitarians, meaning we try to limit our animal protein intake.  My wife handles most of the cooking, even though we both don't mind to cook, and does a great job creating healthy recipes.

We are really into the FIRE community and try to optimize our finances as much as possible with the hopes of being financially independent in our 50's, if not sooner.  We also have goals of taking a gap year where we travel around the country as a family and I would also like to take a job in Europe in the future so we could live and see the land. 

Come join our family as we work to improve everyday.  You will get meal planning ideas, financial strategies, educational resources and so much more.


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